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BobWessex 24-11-2009 10:35 PM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
Hi Si

what you carry depends pretty much on what you're being called to, for instance if the vehicle is full of kit you can't carry the gear to set up a rest centre (no room). Conversely if you've been called out due to heavy snow, waffle boards, maps, coffee, food, warm clothing etc are all needed.

I always advise members in Wessex to carry what is likely to be needed but not what isn't likely to be. i.e. if going to an incident on the M5 in summer would you carry the same as if you were going to remote villages in winter. Also of course the more that you carry the more the vehicle weighs so the more fuel it uses,

Again depending on what you are doing the chances are that you already do the "special training", primarily we do on-road driving etc.

Different teams have different views on what training, qualifications etc are required, which may well be dictated by your 'user bodies'. For instance Someret CCU requires a minimum three years experience of driving and no more than 6 penalty points.

I would suggest that as a minimum your application form and annual renewal should require a declaration that members have a licence to drive the type of vehicle, and that the insurance policy permits voluntary use. Some teams insist on seeing the licence.

Tony Ferrari 24-11-2009 10:41 PM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire

A lot of the answers are on the website:


But feel free to ask questions:

As Bob says, there are suggested equipment lists that most of us use and will vary due to season or task but yes it is what most greenlaners or off roaders might carry anyway.

As he also say, training is a mixed bag as there is nothing specific out there for 4x4 response itself, given the wide range of tasks we can get asked to carry out. However there are lots of areas of training that can be very useful.

Off road skills is the obvious one but much of our potential use is in fact on-road.

Recovery or winch training is another but these are tasks we don't really promote ourselves as doing, although in reality can end up being asked to do.

First Aid training is also good, more for yourself and being aware of how to operate around casualties as we don't exist to replace the Ambulance Trusts, Red Cross, St Johns etc.

Amateur radio training is common, again we are not here to replace Raynet but many groups are using AR to provide enhanced and resilient communications.

We have many IAM members amongst our numbers, so Advanced Driving is another useful skill.

Navigation training is one that can get overlooked due to the reliance on Sat Nav but can be an essential skill in itself.

I'm sure there's more that people might suggest.

As for meetings, many groups have monthly meets some social, some more formal and some groups have several due to their large geographic areas.

Other consideratoions for a new group are liability insurance and uniforms/PPE both of which can (or will be soon) obtained through membership of the National Network.



BobWessex 24-11-2009 10:52 PM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
To add to my previous, identification should ALWAYS be carried, as should H/V vests/jackets depending on the weather.

Paul_Humphreys 25-11-2009 10:19 AM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
I live in Shropshire :roll: :lol:


simon holland 25-11-2009 10:30 AM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
good speaking to you last night bob as im out of work at the moment ive got plenty of time to help with the set up and fundrasing, once ive spoken with the others you told me about, i think i have all the equipment i will ever need

and thanks for the advice ive spoke to a few people i know in the area and a few of them are interested

BobWessex 25-11-2009 10:59 AM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
Hi Simon, always glad to be of help, and as I say if you know a pub in/near Newport I'm sure that I can justify a visit to family one weekend soon.

Paul_Humphreys 25-11-2009 11:13 AM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
Simon, it is worth having a word with Mark Margetts of the Wales group. He will be able to help a lot. Also as a lot of the Welsh group live down the border I am sure a lot would help. Also it would be easy to join the Welsh training weekends.


simon holland 25-11-2009 12:37 PM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
[quote name="BobWessex"]Hi Simon, always glad to be of help, and as I say if you know a pub in/near Newport I'm sure that I can justify a visit to family one weekend soon.[/quote]

yea i know one just outside newport about 5 mins from the centre and its got a big car park still havent spoke to the other 2 yet, maybe we can get anyone intrested to go aswell

so weve got to get liability insurance , how much cover would the group need and is there any other insurance we need

who was it you said i had to contact within the local council once weve got it all started i was thinking about going to the local newspapers for advertising and i think ill be able to sort some sort of discount with roean landrover services for members when i pop in next

how did the other groups get funding or was it just from membership and how much do most groups charge

thanks si

BobWessex 25-11-2009 02:25 PM

Re: shropshire/ staffordshire
[quote name="simon holland"]
[quote name="BobWessex"]Hi Simon, always glad to be of help, and as I say if you know a pub in/near Newport I'm sure that I can justify a visit to family one weekend soon.[/quote]

yea i know one just outside newport about 5 mins from the centre and its got a big car park still havent spoke to the other 2 yet, maybe we can get anyone intrested to go aswell -- sounds good to me

so weve got to get liability insurance, how much cover would the group need --- We have a national policy which you can sign up to, currently £2.10 per member, if the team joins the national network (£25/year) - so that's easily sorted- and is there any other insurance we need --- Individual members will need to ensure that they are covered for voluntary work on their vehicle policies

who was it you said i had to contact within the local council once weve got it all started -- Try the Emergency Planning Office sometimes called the Civil Contingencies Unit -- i was thinking about going to the local newspapers for advertising and i think ill be able to sort some sort of discount with roean landrover services for members when i pop in next -- Always worth a try, much will depend on who you speak to

how did the other groups get funding or was it just from membership and how much do most groups charge -- We (wessex) charge £10 per year (£20 in the first year) Most teams charge some thing but it does vary widely. One of the reasons that we charge an annual membership is to ensure that our membership lists are reasonably up to date. - you might get some local sponsorship but it does tend to be catch 22 unless you have a member with his own business. We have almost finalised a national sponsorship deal which will enable teams who are members of National Network to provide a jacket per member.

thanks si[/quote]

simon holland 25-11-2009 09:32 PM

shropshire/ staffordshire
sent a message to andre about starting one in shrops ans staffs will be meeting up at some point so if anyone else is intrested get your names down and ill keep in contact with you

any help from other groups about starting up would be usefull

thanks si

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