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Praetorian 30-09-2010 08:18 PM

Ha ha ha ha ha, what a great excuse! "I'm off to the pub dear, to check if it's ok to use for meetings".
I'll have to remember that one for myself.

Andy Phillips 01-10-2010 03:28 PM

Hi Mark, Stu

I live in West Brom and have attended a few WM meetings. I will keep an eye on the thread and let you guys know dates if that helps.

I am the odd one out, I drive a Jeep Wrangler TJ.

markwd 02-10-2010 08:44 AM

Hi Andy, that'll be good. Why do you say your'e the odd one out? its got 4 wheek drive and does the job. I was reading another thread that seemed to bash on about the tricked up landie brigade possibly scaring the punters. I tricked mine up to do the job I want it to do, but if can help others out then fine i'll make it/myself available. Over the years I have owned 4x4's i have always made them available to the Ambulance Service when the snow was on the ground, not as an emergency response but as a transport facility to get control staff into work and back home, as you know the Black Country can and does grind to a halt regularly. Anyways looking forward to meeting up with guys and girls from the network.
Regards, Mark

Andy Phillips 05-10-2010 05:38 PM

Just a light hearted joke Mark. I am use to turning up to events etc and being the odd one out. Doesn't bother me at all, I find it funny at times.

Looking forward to getting together, so will keep you posted.

phil worrall 10-10-2010 11:11 PM

hello all
hi my names phil and im from wolverhampton im new to 4x4 response can you tell me is the west mids team set up and what kind of things that you can be called on to do i drive a g4 challenge land rover 110

markwd 11-10-2010 04:54 PM

i'm still waiting to hear from the people in the know myself mate, something is supposed to be being sorted re a meeting. Welcome anyways.

phil worrall 11-10-2010 07:19 PM

thanks id like to find out what kind of things are called upon in this area i dont suppose our roads get too bad as they are normally cleared quiet quickly also how the training days work as i haven't done much with mine yet apart from land rover shows which dont count

Tony Ferrari 12-10-2010 08:05 AM


Send Tim Childe a PM to find out what's going on (although I'm sure Tim will be along here soon).

West Midlands is still in the early stages of forming so has not yet responded to any callouts. As to the roads not getting too bad, the Team does aspire to cover West Midlands, Staffordshire and Shropshire so some fairly varied territory out there.

With regards to conditions in the West Midlands, in some ways that may be similar to my own in Hertfordshire with our own proximity to London. However in the last couple of years we have done the following:


Delivered Meals on Wheels
Transported paramedics to/from work
Transported emergency services control centre staff to/from work
Carried Home Carers to their visits
Transported non 999 patients to Hospital
Recovering Ambulances and from snow
Recovering motorists at the request of the Police
Self delpoyment at RTC

Assisted BHC 4x4 Response in Bedfordshire at:
RTC on A1 Biggleswade bypass taking supplies to trapped drivers and helping clear up a shed load
Assisting at Gas and Water outage in the village of Caddington, transporting heaters & cookers to vulnerable residents, transporting various agencies around the village.


Transporting anti-viral medicines to the "flu friendless" during the flu pandemic.

So you can still expect to be kept busy even in a more urbanised area

TimChilde 13-10-2010 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tony Ferrari (Post 16914)

Send Tim Childe a PM to find out what's going on (although I'm sure Tim will be along here soon).

I picked the wrong time to not be online for a few days, then ;)

Anyway, all of what Tony said :D

We should be having a meeting in October - just waiting for confirmation that the pub know we're coming. At one of the meetings earlier in the year 30+ turned up, so it's only fair to check with the landlady first!!

(Though I have to admit that at one of the meeting there were only 8 of us - it can be variable!)


markwd 13-10-2010 09:48 PM

Thanks Tim, that's if i aint been banned from the network for having a pop at some bolk who thinks its ok to get rid of a bad motor on some unsuspecting punter. Makes my blood boil. Ta Mark

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