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DekersDelica 23-11-2011 06:21 AM

Hi Deker from Herts
Hi folks, struggling a little bit with the forum, hopefully I'll get used to it.
I do like the colour scheme :)

The bragging bit - Ooops. Sorry folks, but if I don't, you won't know what I can do.

I own a Delica, (Auto) and would like to use it for what it is made for.
Best road vehicle I've ever used in snow :)

With an airbed laid on the seats or floor, good for carrying the injured and shocked from places where an ambulance cannot get to. And still have space for professional medical person/s.

I've had off road experience when working on road construction, including tracked and rubber.

Towing and being towed, easy, done loads of it, from motorcycles to Caterpillar tractors.

Driving through floods, done that too :=(

These years, I prefer to machine components, on somewhat ancient machines that could not compete with todays tight tolerances, and CNC machines.

My pet hate = Folks that use spanner size as the fastener size (except the old British system)

I'me a bit Olde Fashioned, see circumstances "as is" if it is within my capabilities to help then I get on with it. If it's in a team I'me happy to join in.
Be warned, if I feel that the team is less proficient than me, then I want to lead.
Plenty of experience from working in Building trades, Plant & Civil Engineering industry.
Where a small mistake could lead to serious injury or death.

First Aid, I'me not very good at that, sticking a patch over a cut or graze is about my limit.
To comfort folks in shock or injury, that I can do, and have done to a lady that was dying, she appreciated it.

I am NOT without feelings, but seeing injured and dead people on the roadside doesn't "Turn my stomach" I get on with what "has to be done" to help and assist.

I think I would like to join the Hertfordshire response team (When their website is working)

I hope this next bit does not go against admin's pros & cons.
You will also see me on the MDOCUK forum (same user name)
See what I offer in member2member services, same would apply here, when I get to know you folks.



HT24 23-11-2011 04:29 PM

Hi Deker,

Welcome to the forum. Both our Herts 'reps' are away at the Emergency Services Show at present but I'm sure they'll be in touch soon!



DekersDelica 24-11-2011 03:00 AM

Ooops - again
Small mistake in my first post

MDOCUK handle is deker. Not dekersdelica.


trevmales 24-11-2011 08:14 PM

hi why not come along to our meet on wed 30th @8pm the long arm and short arm lemsford village al8 7tn, eithr ask for me (trev) or tony.

DekersDelica 25-11-2011 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by trevmales (Post 37361)
hi why not come along to our meet on wed 30th @8pm the long arm and short arm lemsford village al8 7tn, eithr ask for me (trev) or tony.

Id'e love to, unfortunately, being a young 70, I work 5 nights, Mon - Fri, to pay for my toys.

If you look at the times of my postings, that's when I get home from work.

Do you have any weekend meet up's ?

BTW. How do I get the icons at the bottom of the Create a Post window in/on to the window ?

BTW 2. I see there's no edit in the Introduce Yourself section.
I would like to add, "Iv'e got a very dry, caustic & wicked sense of humour" need it in my job,
one night some years back, a punter sed =
"Give me all your money, or I'll stick this in your throat"
It was wintertime, I could see something sticking out from his gloves, could have been anything from a knife to a pencil.

In microseconds I had loads O thoughts, first was "I've often wondered what I would do if this happened to me"
Second thought = "Does your mummy know your'e out doing this"

Well, I didn't fancy having a tracheostomy performed on me by an amateur,
nor was I going to part with my little bit of hard earned cash.

Didn't take me long to figure that my IQ was far superior to his single digit IQ.
He did not get my cash. And I, not a tracheostomy by an amateur.

Had to report incident to the fuzz, in case low IQ laddo tried it on other folks.

Did I run home "Quaking in my boots" thinking "That was a lucky escape"
Nah - back to work, and had one of the best nights takings for months :)

By now you should have worked out that Im'e a taxi driver. Met Police Licensed (Now TfL)
Have PNC printout to show good character - - - - - - - Somewhere !


trevmales 25-11-2011 05:23 PM

we dont do weekend meets other than some off road days etc, you will have limited options on the site until you are a responder, apply to club secertery and she will download you a form, if you have already then your application is being assessed.

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