Originally Posted by Peter_Morgan
Yes, but the whole point of this post is why do we need to know this (sorry) but useless information? Does it matter to anyone else where you are sending your information from? Does it matter to anyone else what sort of phone you've got? Next thing we'll be seeing is " Responded in my Blue Discovery Serengeti whilst wearing nothing but my favourite leopard print thong!"
Ok so I don't put that I'm sending from my phone but I would still include the app that I'm using. If it wasn't for seeing it in on another thread in a signature I wouldn't have found that app.
So that is informative which is what a signature is all about. What information you give there is up to you but should be personalised.
I don't believe you can strip out this from Tapatalk as it is included as just standard text just on the end of your post.
However if you wish it could be done via banned words but now you are talking censorship and I for one would not be happy if that was were we are going with this.
It is one thing to block/remove obscenities but to block other information raises serious questions.
I for one have found the information gleaned on Tapatalk from someones signature to be excellent and very useful. It let's me keep up with things on the forum for which I would have to make a special decision to boot the computer and check.
This is from my Mobile device using Tapatalk the easyway too keep informed.
- CRAG - Treadlightly -