Originally Posted by Nopainnogain
Im in warwickshire and a member of the west mids group,warwickshire comes under their remit i believe, it would be good to have a few more members over my way tho,im a bit out on a limb here.perhaps you could PM me for a chat
Originally Posted by emtphil
depends on the parts of warwickshire where warwickshire boarders Leicestershire ie rugby we had call out there when it snowed. I suspect northants do the same. Coventry comes under the west mids county anyway and that area would be west mids rt.
For emergency planning/resilience purposes Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire are 'as one' even though they are different counties. MROC4x4R presently cover the CSW area with WM4x4R covering the West Midlands.
Mathew if you wish to pm myself (MR) or Tim Childe (WM) then I'm sure we help and that either group would welcome you.