Be prepared for lots of hard work but it is worth it and try and get a good core team so tyou don't end up doing everything yourself.
I take it you have looked through the website information
And on the forum at
It might be worth getting in touch with some of the other Scottish Groups, with the exception of COTAG in Moray and Aberdeenshire all are pretty new and/or still forming, so you will no doubt have lots to share.
As has been said, best to set your borders based on what in England and Wales are known as Local Resilience Forums (LRF) but in Scotland are called Stratigic Coordinating Groups, there are eight based on Police Areas.
These are listed with the coresponding 4x4 Response Team, although those marked * only cover part of a group area at present
1. Grampian (COTAG* - established)
2. Highland (Scottish Highlands - very new)
3. Borders and Lothian (Scottish Borders 4x4 Response and Lothian 4x4 Response - both new)
4. Strathclyde (Strathclyde 4x4 Response* - still forming)
5. Tayside (which I assume is your area)
6. Fife (no Group)
7. Central (no Group)
8. Dumfries and Galloway (no Group)
So can I suggest Tayside 4x4 Response as a suitable name?
Contacts on the forum for other new groups are:
Highland - CLUNYKNOX (Andrew Knox)
Lothian - ColinR (Colin Rodger)
Borders - Mel_Borders (Mel Fox)
Strathclyde - Rab Bark (Robert Bark)
Can't seem to find the COTAG rep at present but I am sure someone will let us know.
Any questions just post here or ask one of the Trustees:
BobWessex (Bob Hatcher)
Simon Bentley
Paul Johns
Tony Ferrari
Good luck and keep us posted